Subject: Re: Welcome to the FORUM!
Posted by numpty on 10:10 22/Apr/08 :

On 21:20 25/Mar/08, Robin Cooper wrote: > Yes, this is the place where you can PHYSICALLY air your views on all matters of life, living, and general existence. All you have to do is write things in certain boxes, and then when you have finished, you sort of click on bits on the screen (I don't know how it works but I believe it has something to do with magnets) and then other people REACT to what you have said, and then you REACT back, and so the spiral continues until ETERNITY... > > Well - have fun! > > Robin Cooper Well, well, well, I must say that I DO like this website! Not only does it have all my favourite characters from the books but it has cool moving quirky little things that respond when you move the mouse around the screen! I have got a serious point to make (which I'll save for a future moment) but goodbye for now, and do keep up the good work Robin.

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